The default username and password of Backtrack is root/toor but if you want to change the password you can run this command and type your new password.
Now the common commands of installing a program
apt-get install <package>
Downloads <package> and all of its dependencies, and installs them.apt-get remove [--purge] <package>
Removes <package> and any packages that depend on it.apt-get update
Updates packages listings from the repo.
apt-get upgrade
Upgrades all currently installed packages.
apt-get dist-upgrade [-u]
Similar to apt-get upgrade, except that dist-upgrade will install or remove packages to satisfy dependencies.
apt-cache search <pattern>
Searches packages and descriptions.
apt-cache show <package>
Shows the full description about the package.
apt-cache showpkg <package>
Shows a lot more detail about package.
man apt
Give more info on these commands. Man command shows the manual page of command